
How to find new partnerships as a content creator or influencer?

In this article, we will give you advices to find new partnerships as a content creator or influencer.

First, see what other creators are doing. Make it easy for brands to contact you by having an email address on your social media. Use a professional email, not Gmail, so you don't look like an amateur.

Sign up on platforms like Reech or Influence4You that connect brands and creators for partnerships. You can choose to accept or decline offers. Social media sites like TikTok and Instagram have marketplaces, like TikTok Creator Marketplace, where brands can find you and message you for collaborations.

You can also ask other content creators who work in the same area as you, if you get along well, to share their recommendations and contacts :

Creating content can be competitive, but there is also a lot of help from others. Sometimes, brands look for more than one person for their campaign. They may ask creators if they know others who could work with them too. So, if you have friends in this field, don't be shy to ask them for help. And do the same when it's your turn to help others.

You can also join an agency, hire an agent or a salesperson to find partnerships and negotiate deals for you. This can help increase your income.

Lastly, use Sulico, a database of brands and influencer campaigns, to find opportunities :

Our platform collects data on partnerships from thousands of content creators from Instagram and YouTube. This helps you find brands that work with influencers in your area or field. With the platform, you can easily find brand contacts and send them an email to introduce yourself and offer your services.

But remember, these steps will only work if you have good content, a clear editorial line, and a strong audience. Don't expect partnerships if you're just starting and your content isn't focused yet. It's important to find what you love doing, your format, and your audience before thinking about making money. Don't put the cart before the horse!

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