Create your report in 1 click

Goodbye reminders and screenshots.
Generate your personalized post-campaign report in 30 seconds and send it to your customers.

How does it work?

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Interested in trying Sulico? Book a personalized onboarding with our team.

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Frequently asked questions

Can I customize my media kit ?

Of course you can ! You can customize elements such as profile images, accent colors and biographical texts. Need more? Our teams can adapt your media kit to your graphic charter on request.

Can I add pages to the media kit ?

Yes, add personalized pages to your kit by importing one or more images in 1920x1080 pixel format. This way, you can include your prices or more complete presentations of your talents.

Who can access talent data ?

Confidentiality is our priority. Each talent decides who can access their stats and create media kits via the permissions settings. By default, only the talent and his agents have access.

Is it possible to create a media kit with several talents ?

Absolutely. When creating a media kit, simply click on "Add another creator".

Collaborate with Confidence

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  • Your Data is Protected

    We use AES 256-bit encryption for all your data, and our application is CASA Tier 2 certified.

  • You Maintain Full Control

    You retain full control over your data and can choose who has access to it through a permissions system.