How to setup a gmail shared Inbox as a talent manager

A shared inbox ensures that no message goes unnoticed and every opportunity is captured. Sulico help you setup a Gmail shared inbox tailored specifically for talent managers ensuring you stay on top of your game without missing a beat. You can test it for free !

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Why Every Talent Manager
needs a shared Inbox

Sulico helps you manage your talent's partnerships and careers !

What problems this solves ?

If you have these problems on a daily basis, Sulico is here to help!

You have to manage multiple email accounts.

You struggle to keep track of brand deals progress.

Your team cannot collaborate together by emails

What does a gmail shared inbox look like ?

Don't get lost in your emails anymore !
Sulico helps you sort your emails... while allowing you to collaborate on the same email.

Frequently asked questions

Q: What is a Gmail shared inbox?

A: A Gmail shared inbox is a centralized email account that allows multiple team members to send, receive, and manage emails together. It's designed to enhance collaboration and ensure that all communications are handled efficiently, without the need for forwarding emails or sharing login details.

Q: How does a Gmail shared inbox benefit talent managers?

A: For talent managers, a Gmail shared inbox simplifies the way emails are managed across various departments and projects. It ensures timely responses to important queries, enables better tracking of conversations, and facilitates teamwork by allowing multiple members to access and respond to emails from one central location.

Q: Is setting up a Gmail shared inbox complicated?

A: Not at all. With Sulico, setting up a Gmail shared inbox is straightforward. Just create your team, add their emails, and you're set to start managing your emails more effectively. Sulico's user-friendly interface and step-by-step guide make the process easy and hassle-free.

Q: Can I control who has access to the shared inbox?

A: Absolutely. Sulico allows you to manage team permissions with ease. You can determine who can read, send, and manage emails within the shared inbox, giving you full control over your team’s access and ensuring security and privacy.

Q: What happens if a team member leaves?

A: If a team member leaves, their access to the shared inbox can be revoked through Sulico's platform. You can also easily add new members to the team, ensuring continuous and uninterrupted management of your shared inbox.

Q: How can Sulico help manage multiple inboxes for free?

A: Sulico offers a free plan that provides basic functionalities for managing multiple inboxes, making it an ideal starting point for talent managers looking to streamline their email communications. For those requiring more advanced features, Sulico has affordable plans that offer additional capabilities.

Q: Will using a shared inbox compromise the privacy of our emails?

A: No, Sulico prioritizes security and privacy. The platform ensures that only authorized team members have access to the shared inbox. Furthermore, Sulico adheres to stringent data protection regulations to safeguard your information.

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